Purple Sunbird Juvenile KingfisherTwo for the frame… Kingfisher & Vented BulbulSunbird enjoying Nectar Thinking Mode OnVented Bulbul watches close enough.The ever curious Common IoraSeems I have caught attention of the IoraButterflies in abundance.My favourite – The Neptis HylasArchanophile isn’t disappointed either, with many a variety of Arachnids offering a stunning visual of their hunting grounds.Two different spiders. Check out the markings in Yellow.A Dragonfly ready for take-off He certainly seems to enjoy parking spots.A variety of Slime insect. The selective Dove.A pair of Drongos on a misty morning.A curious onlooker.The juvenile of a Common Hawk Cuckoo.Wild Mushrooms.White-bellied Cuckoo Shrike Abundance of Wildflowers Curious Cat at our Hotel.Model of a typical coastal house.